janos arany

gTM strategy | digital transformation | business process reengineering

Everyone sees a different side of me - an explorer, a storyteller, a fun seeker - but all would agree that I’m always open to new experiences and learnings, and never shy away from getting out of my comfort zone.

I am passionate about outdoor sports, like sailing, kayaking, or backcountry skiing: I enjoy that you need to come prepared both mentally and physically, test your skills, and sometimes still need to be agile and adapt to the unexpected, which is the greatest teacher.

In retrospect I can see now that professionally I always gravitated to the status quo changing technologies, business models, and approaches – this usually meant an unpaved path, with no cheap successes, but a lot of learnings and experience. I worked at multinational giants like SAP, Oracle, Google and Meta, in several cases building new markets and challenging old business ecosystems and habits. Learnt enterprise methodologies and processes, seen different organisations and workflows, seen a lot of good and bad examples, and now utilise this experience and skillset in client situations and go-to-market strategies in both international enterprises and start-ups. 

Currently, I’m working in start-ups: fine-tuning value propositions, ideal customer profiles, and fitting products to market needs, while parallelly building systems and workflows to scale. And what do I consider my biggest career success? Not any particular event, or sales, or quarter, but rather that through consultative approach I have several clients and partners internationally, who we made business throughout decades and different companies and solutions, built upon a foundation of listening, understanding, trust, and focusing on the long time benefits and values.

Whatever I do, I like to do it wholeheartedly and with passion – my beloved 3 children can testify to it: there is always a plan to do and learn something we’ve never done before, and weather and circumstances cannot be excuses, just challenges to overcome. And a motto to underline a lot of my beliefs: “Since man walked on the moon, there’s no such thing as impossible weather, just poor set of clothing!”

My skills and expertise cover Go-to-market strategies, Digital Transformation, Business Process Reengineering, Organizational Change Management, sales and marketing alignment, digital marketing, and sales and marketing automation system business design, selection, and implementation.

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